Sunday, January 24, 2016

Nova Character

Happy Thursday, tomorrow is Friday

Today we will be looking at a charcter from the Spider-Man Play Set. He helps Spider-Man and his team by using the power of energy and close-up combat.

Since I do not go over all attacks I have provided a link with the full skill tree and a video with gameplay of Nova

Instead of gameplayI provided this epic fight of Nova vs Maleficent

Nova has very cool long-ranged attack and close-up attack. His standard combo is to punch and kick but when he does he glows blue because of the energy inside him. His long-ranged attack is to shoot a orb of energy from his fist, but he also glows when you shoot the energy. (He glows basically in any attack) He can charge up his energy orb for a bigger and better energy orb. You can also upgrade where he can shoot energy orbs from both fists instead of one. Nova can fly  and hover while shooting energy orbs that fall down on enemeis. He is a very fast flyer and a super steady hoverer. Nova also has super cool combos. His first combo is called Nova Force. He lifts up and then bounces down on the enemy, smashing them down or moving them back. His second combo is performed right after the first. After lifting he dashes and puts his fist out punching an enemy. His special attack is the best special in the 2.0 game. It is called Nova Core. He lifts up himself and all enemies. He turns into a big blue energy ball and everything turns dark. When he releases all enemies get destroyed around him. Here is a video of it below:

Nova is a super cool character with energy abilities like no other characters. His special can destroy any enemy but his combos are also very powerful. This is one teammate of Spider-Man's you don't want to mess with.

I hope you consider Nova as a character

Have a amazing Thursday!

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