Friday, February 19, 2016

Syndrome Character

Syndrome is also sold in two ways

He is sold in the 1.0 villains pack and sold separately:

Here are some links that allow you to buy him:

(Sorry there are only 2 links. I couldn't find Syndrome on any other good stores)

Is playable in:
The Incredibles Play Set
Toy Box
Toy Box 2.0
Toy Box 3.0

Here is a cool video with some gameplay of Syndrome

Syndrome is a very powerful character to play with. Playing with this villain really gives you the option to either save the Incredibles or defeat them. But to defeat the Incredibles you need gear. One of them being a Zero Point Energy Machine which can lift enemies up and trap them. Syndrome can partly fly but not all that much, but it is still a useful skill. Playing with him in the Incredibles Play Set can be fun and also very challenging. But using his building skills and gear there is nothing that can stand in this villains way.

(Syndrome also features as the main villain in the Toy Box Expansion Game, Toy Box Speedway)

Here is a link with the full skill tree:

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