Saturday, April 2, 2016

Sentinel of Liberty and Marvel Team Up: Ant-Man

Sentinel of Liberty
Power Disc Type: Costume

Expand your super hero wardrobe with Captain America's World War II costume and original shield

This power disc is available in the 2.0 Marvel Super Heroes Blind Power Disc Packs

Here is a link that allows you to buy this pack:

This power disc is so many things and not only to Captain America but to others. If you are any character, your armor gets increased by 15% so it will be harder to loose all health. But if you are Captain America, this costume adds an original style that is more reality based than other cosutmes. This power disc is super useful and stylish.

Marvel Team Up: Ant-Man
(There is now a Ant-Man character)
Power Disc Type: Ability

Team up with Hank Pym (aka. Ant-Man)-he's small, but packs a big punch

This power disc is available in the 2.0 Marvel Super Heroes Power Disc Blind Packs

Here is a link that allows you to buy this pack:

This power disc is cool but also differs in attacks. When battling enemies or in a very big fight, summon Ant-Man to do cool attacks including turning small and sneaking up to enemies and then attacking them, just punching and kicking or turning huge and attacking. No matter the enemy, Ant-Man has got it.

Have a amazing day!!!!

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